Thursday, April 2, 2015

Agents Of SHIELD Yes Men

Review Incoming.

I have words for this episode.
Yes Men.

So, this episode of SHIELD involves an Asgardian Rapist named Lorelei dropping in on Earth and raising hell. Well, more like causing some minor problems. On that note, what is with Asgardians and mind control? I blame Loki.
At the start of the episode, a redhead drives up to a biker bar in a married car and some bikers start hitting on her. She introduces herself as Lorelei and seizes control of the bikers leader. When her 'husband', actually an innocent man she had taken over, runs over and tries to intervene, Lorelei pimpslaps him away, likely killing him.
Onboard the ship, Mary Sue/Skye (Note, that's not an insult, her real name is indeed Mary Sue. You can look this up.) is recovering from injuries from a previous episode, with the team taking a lot of her blood to find out how it compares to the alien blood of the blue aliens/the kree and make sure she's alright. Coulson continues to be shady about it when questioned.
Later, they detect an energy surge and go to check it out. Turns out this is the Bifrost opening up again, which means only one thing.